Landscaping & Office

The display of plants in an office is proven to uplift employees and create an atmosphere of calm.  In addition, plants clean the air by absorbing carbon dioxide and releasing pure, clean oxygen. Al Mona Nursery has a selection of office plants for every environment from low sun to full sun.


A landscaped entrance impresses upon the viewers a feeling of success and professionalism.  Al Mona Nursery provides young plants, ready to grow, and mature plants, ready for you to install for an instant lush landscape. We also have services to design, install, and maintain your landscape. Contact us for services and rates for our Qualified Maintenance Technicians (QMTs).

Farmers Nursery

Al Mona is dedicated to supplying the highest quality plants and trees to our farmers of whom we are proud and whose work and contribution to our nation and beyond we value.  We care about the environment and the health of future generations, and so we are proud to carry organic plants and trees and organic solutions for fertilizers and pest control.

Raising up saplings, spouts, and grafts is our specialty. We take care to provide the best soils, moisture levels, and temperatures to give the plants in our nursery the healthiest start.

Al Mona’s Qualified Maintenance Technicians (QMTs) are ready to be deployed to inspect, supplement, troubleshoot, and treat your plants and trees on a monthly basis.

Our QMTs are trained in

for services and rates.

It’s important that you are prepared for each growing season, and we are here to support.  You can preorder and customize specific requests and requirements within agreed time periods, ensuring you receive the plants you need, when you need them.

Al Mona Nursery provides the highest quality seeds and plants to get you started in your indoor and outdoor home garden.  We offer experienced advice and best practices to make your home garden prosperous.

Highest quality seeds and plants

Home Gardening

The Mediterranean has always been the food basket of the world due to its moderate climate and long growing seasons. Add the magnificent vibrance and scents and flowers, and one understands the reason why so many civilizations have settled in and benefited from these lands.

In support of our people during this difficult political atmosphere in Lebanon, we encourage families in buildings to start rooftop gardens. We provide everything you need to do it right while keeping the building infrastructure intact.

Qualified Maintenance Technicians

Al Mona Nursery wants success for your endeavors, so we have a trained and certified  team of Qualified Maintenance Technicians (QMTs) to deploy to your location and service your investment.

for services and rates.